Fat FIRE: Fat FIRE is a more luxurious version of FIRE, where individuals aim to save and invest enough to live comfortably and still have a significant amount of disposable income.
Lean FIRE: Lean FIRE involves living a frugal lifestyle and reducing expenses to a minimum in order to achieve financial independence as soon as possible.
Barista FIRE: Barista FIRE is a hybrid approach that involves continuing to work part-time in retirement to supplement income and maintain a sense of purpose.
Hybrid FIRE: Hybrid FIRE involves a combination of traditional retirement and FIRE, such as working part-time in retirement and using passive income streams to support a lower cost of living.
Location Independent FIRE (LIFE): LIFE involves pursuing FIRE while also embracing the digital nomad lifestyle, allowing for a more flexible and adventurous retirement.
Mini-Retirements: Mini-Retirements involve taking multiple short retirements throughout one’s life, rather than waiting until traditional retirement age.
These are some of the different types of FIRE, and individuals can choose the approach that best suits their goals and lifestyle preferences.
In conclusion, Fat FIRE, Lean FIRE, Barista FIRE, Hybrid FIRE, Location Independent FIRE, and Mini-Retirements are different types of FIRE, each with its own unique approach to achieving financial independence and a comfortable retirement.
*We are not financial advisors and only present our findings. Please do your own due diligence and what you feel you can make work in your own unique situation.